10 Brilliant PS2 Titles That Give You Instant Nostalgia

6. Ico

ico and yorda
Team ICO

Ico is the often-overlooked first project from the team behind Shadow Of The Colossus. The game does something unique, that most games often do not do for the sake of ease on the player - It just drops you in.

There is no tutorial explaining what you need to do, not even a simple guide into what each button prompt will do for you. You have to discover the world around you for yourself.

This discovery immediately connects you to the action that is happening on the screen. Throughout your time playing, you as a player feel like you are discovering the world around you, the perils in front of you and the solution to a problem in a completely organic way.

The game doesn't hold your hand, it expects you to dig deeper and find more. With this, a player becomes immediately affected and connected to the world because it feels like it is evolving around you in real-time, rather than being a series of queued up events waiting to be triggered.

Ico was lightyears ahead of its time upon its release in 2001, and still leaves a noticeable mark on the people who played it all those years ago.


Watcher of old films. Player of many games. Lover of all sports. Pretentious on most music. Useless at physical tasks.