10 Brilliant Video Games With TERRIBLE Endings
Games that had us hooked right up until the end, then completely lost us. Shame, that.

Flaws are inherent to storytelling. No matter how good of a product you produce, there's always going to be something wrong with it that some folks will demand that you be hanged for. Sometimes it's a bit of character writing, sometimes your pacing is just too off for some people to be able to deal with. And sometimes you screw up big time with your story by lagging on a non negotiable aspect of the story: the ending.
Whether you're talking about books, movies, or in this case, video games, the ending is considered by many to be absolutely paramount. It's the last moment we're getting to spend with these characters and this story, so you'd best make it memorable. In the case of video games, this is even more daunting since you not only have to make it satisfying from a story perspective, but gameplay as well.
Sure enough, not every game gets this right. But what about those games that had you hooked right up until the last moments when it completely lost you? What about those terrible endings to otherwise stone cold classic games? Well, then you get one of these very unfortunate cases of leaving your audience with whatever the video game equivalent of blue balls is.
10. Batman Arkham Asylum

Putting this at the bottom of the list, because it's more of an example of a bad final boss as opposed to a bad overall ending. But make no mistake, this was one disappointing end to an otherwise landmark title.
Granted, we're not sure how you could've done this right - seeing as how Batman: Arkham City proved that when the Joker and Batman go head to head, the Joker kinda has the cards stacked against him when it comes to actual fisticuffs. So if the Joker wanted a proper boss fight, he'd have to do something to tip the scales in his favor.
Which, according to Rocksteady Studios, means turning himself into a big lumbering monster with Freddy Kruger claws and a stupid ass mohawk.
The boss fight with him isn't even all that bad, it's just so underwhelming, especially compared to the awesomeness that had come before in the other 99% of this game. You just punchy him a bunch, then fight goons, then yank the Joker down with your grappling hook. Rinse and repeat for about three times until he stays down.