10 Brilliantly Written Characters Ruined By Game Mechanics

1. Dutch Van Der Linde - Read Dead Redemption 2

Red dead redemption 2 dutch

The core conflict of Dutch van der Linde's personality lies in his relationship with the members of his own gang. He is supposed to be a leader they look up to and trust with their lives. However, as time goes on, they start to notice the cracks in his confident facade, realising Dutch's vision of a free life in the Wild West is just a hopeless dream.

The way this conflict is showcased in Red Dead Redemption 2 is through Dutch's promise to use the robbery money to let everybody retire in Tahiti by buying a mango farm. The player is supposed to donate money to Dutch's fund in the hopes of realizing this dream, only to slowly come to the conclusion that their contribution is being wasted.

The problem here is that the in-game economy is completely busted. Doing side quests, treasure hunts, collecting bounties, and even receiving huge cash rewards by completing the main story missions will easily earn you tens of thousands of dollars by the end of even Chapter 3. You'll be able to donate an absurdly high figure to Dutch's fund like it's nothing, so his incessant whining about needing to do "one more score" seems like a bad joke at best.

How about having "some goddamn faith" in yourself for a change?

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.