10 Broken Yu-Gi-Oh Cards That Can NEVER Be Unbanned

6. Graceful Charity

Pot of Greed

Much like Painful Choice, Graceful Charity is a Spell Card which provides three advantages and absolutely no drawbacks.

Not stopping at simply allowing the player to draw three cards, the turn player can then discard two of them. Again, like Painful Choice, this second effect was probably initially intended as a drawback, getting rid of cards that the duelist may have needed.

However, the modern game is marked by the facility with which cards can be recycled from the Graveyard, with the majority of Monsters being more easily accessible from the Graveyard than from the Deck. Making Graceful Charity even more ridiculous, the turn player chooses which of the cards to discard, essentially giving them three chances to seek out a specific card they might need in a situation on top of their regular Draw Phase.

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When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.