10 Brutal Gaming Cutscenes That Still Haunt You

1. Happily Families - Outlast: Whistleblower

Outlast Whistleblower gluskin

Another entry from the Outlast series, sure, but no other game really does traumatising cutscenes quite like it. Plus, this one is in-keeping with the buzzsaw theme from Quake 4. Strap in, this one’s a doozy.

Outlast: Whistleblower is home to hopeless romantic Eddie Gluskin, a homicidal maniac intent on finding the perfect bride. Unfortunately, it’s slim pickings in Mount Massive, so Eddie is forced to rely on... less conventional methods. I won’t detail those methods here, but protagonist Waylon Park gets to experience them up close from inside a locker, before Gluskin ties Park down for his own romantic evening.

Two years before Kojima did it, Outlast: Whistleblower managed to leave players with enough phantom pain to last a lifetime.


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