10 BRUTAL Video Game Punishments For Being Too Greedy
These video games weren't messing around if you tried to bite off more than you could chew.

Greed is a common vice among gamers. Seeing numbers go up and new shiny things unlocking can be a terribly addictive thing, which is why a lot of players are willing to do anything to keep the high going.
However, those who fly a bit too close to the sun may find themselves horribly burnt.
Some game developers don’t appreciate their player base becoming green-eyed wealth mongers, and in order to prevent them from getting too greedy, they design special punishments to make the most covetous of players think twice about acting up on their vice.
You may feel safe recklessly hoarding wealth or cheating your way out of paying for certain goods, but it’s actually only a matter of time before the game unleashes its full wrath on you. As soon as you’re caught acting like a grumpy Scrooge, you will have to face an impossibly hard opponent, lose some of your valuable items, or see them turn into something that harms you instead of helping you.
Though it’s common gamer nature to be a loot goblin, the following games will teach you that sometimes a bag of gold is just dead weight that makes you sink to the bottom.
10. A Wish Gone Wrong - The Sims 2

Earning money is a crucial part of The Sims 2. Typically, it means finding a job and slowly climbing your way to the top, but if you're too impatient and lazy for that, there are actually shortcuts for getting filthy rich fast: wishes!
If you own the Seasons expansion, your Sim can come into the possession of your very own wishing well by joining and impressing the Garden Club.
Unlike genies, the well allows you to make an unlimited amount of wishes, and one of them is a money wish, which spawns a giant sack of Simoleons every time it's triggered.
Continuous use of the wish can make your Sim the richest person in town without ever having to get a job, but you shouldn't let this get to your head, as the game might punish you for abusing the wishing well mechanic.
Frequently wishing upon the well increases the chances of the wishes going awry, and if you finally trigger a negative outcome, a bag of Simoleon will drop from the sky… but right onto your Sim's head this time!
The accident kills them instantly, but hey, at least they died doing what they loved: getting filthy rich.