10 BRUTAL Video Game Punishments For Being Too Greedy
9. Shopkeeper Doesn't Mess Around - Spelunky

In Spelunky, you play as an intrepid tomb raider who explores a huge system of caves in search of treasures that belong in a museum.
That said, although you're free to peruse and loot whatever treasures the ancients have left behind, doing the same with the living will have some pretty terrible consequences.
Each level in the game features a merchant that sells valuable items, which can be of great help during your underground exploration. You pay for these items with the treasure you collect, but you can also pick them up without paying for them.
Now, you might be tempted to save some money by shoplifting whatever you need and running away before the owner notices. However, even if you succeed, your action will permanently doom you.
As soon as you steal, the merchant will become hostile and start chasing you with his shotgun. The man is a deadly opponent that can cost you your entire run, and the worst part is, even if you manage to outrun him or kill him, his clones on all subsequent floors will be immediately hostile, too.
The merchants guild is very displeased with your thieving ways! Prepare to die!