10 BRUTAL Video Game Punishments For Being Too Greedy
8. The Stingy Bird Loses Their Worm - Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love

The Tingle games are a bizarre series of adventure games about the Legend of Zelda's most bizarre character, Tingle.
To reflect his quirkiness as a middle-aged man dressed in a tight fairy suit and flying around on a balloon attached to his tush, the titles Tingle is the main character of are quite strange, too.
In fact, one of them, Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love (yes, that is the real title), uses its own quirky mechanics to punish the player for being stingy.
In the game, buying items from merchants requires you to actually haggle for them. You get to offer custom amounts of cash for whatever it is you want to buy, and naturally, this means that some players will be tempted to rip off the NPCs.
If you don't want to pay the actual value of the item, you can try to offer a much, much lower amount and then gradually raise it until the merchant finally accepts it.
Except, using this strategy will immediately anger the clerk, and instead of letting you waste his time, he will simply take the money from you without giving you anything in return.
It looks like the hustler has become the hustled.