10 BRUTAL Video Game Punishments For Being Too Greedy
6. Krampus And His Naughty List - Don't Starve

In Don’t Starve, you’re forced to survive in a harsh and dangerous world with nothing but your own wits and two hands.
The game wants you to make good use of whatever resources you can find, but this said, if you get a little overzealous with exploiting the world, the world will get you back!
People who get greedy and overhunt creatures for meat will be in for a nasty surprise when their food hoarding causes Krampus to spawn near their base.
You see, Don’t Starve has a secret naughtiness tracker that increases every time the player kills an innocent animal. When the naughtiness level reaches a high enough number a little too quickly, a special boss called Krampus will appear and begin stealing all of your items.
This is already a big annoyance as is, but to make things worse, the only way to get rid of Krampus is to kill him, which is easier said than done, as he is an incredibly tough opponent.
For this reason, it’s advisable to do your hunting in moderation. Getting too much meat all at once may just turn you into a minced survivor pie instead!