10 BRUTAL Video Game Punishments For Being Too Greedy
3. Blappy Makes You An Offer You Can't Refuse - Super Paper Mario

Super Paper Mario is another RPG from everyone's favorite plumber. It is also another Mario title that likes to make life harder for greedy and stingy players.
In Chapter 4-2, Mario and his friends go to a different planet where they meet an elder alien called Blappy.
The old Blouble (that's the name of Blappy's species, which totally doesn't make it confusing to tell which is which) tells you about a mysterious space treasure he spent his entire life searching for.
Afterward, he offers to give you an "Ancient Clue" that could help you find the treasure for him, but Blappy's wisdom costs money.
1,000 coins to be exact.
Since the money in the game caps at 999, you have to ask him to lower it for you. The first time you ask him for a discount, he'll lower the amount to 100 coins, and if you do it again, he'll let you in on his secret for just 10.
At this point, most people would accept, but if you're greedy, you might ask for an even lower price, which will get Blappy so angry, he'll bring the price back to 100, without means of lowering it.
Sorry, but you don't get to swindle an old man like that.