10 Brutal Video Game Scenes You Didn't Want To Control

8. Baby In The Oven - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

the witcher 3 baby oven
CD Projekt RED

Sure, we’ve got physical brutality on lock on this list but I wanted to make sure we could squeeze some emotional brutality in here too and few developers do that better than CD Projekt Red. This one is a little convoluted but essentially Geralt needs to deal with a pretty tricky possession incident. There are a few ways you can go about this and one is more traumatising than the others. Once you realise the monster you’re dealing with is a Hym which tether themselves to humans who believe they have committed a wrongdoing, you can choose to trick it by making it think you’ve done something it considers even worse than the act of the man it’s tormenting, then revealing you didn’t actually do it.

And what could be worse than thinking you caused your own brother's death? Throwing a whole live baby into an oven. When I tell you I bawled, this one was absolutely horrific.

You knew trying to trick the Hym was the right call and you’re given all of two seconds to hand the baby back or throw it in the oven, but choosing the latter was still panic inducing. I should clarify, the baby is protected by quen and doesn’t get hurt but the game just lets you hang with it for so long before revealing you pulled off the trick.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.