10 Brutal Ways Video Game Characters Directly Mocked Players

6. Modercai "Loves" Standing Still (Borderlands)

Eve stellar blade
Gearbox Software

That's right, Sonic the Hedgehog isn't the only video game character who hates to be kept waiting. However, unlike the fuzzy blue animal, this Vault Hunter breaks out some absolutely savage words at your expense when you do it to him. 

As a bombastic and bonkers first-person shooter, Borderlands sure loves chucking in some great jokes and dialogue. One such treasure trove of writing comes when you leave the "Hunter" class player character Mordecai idle. Doing so will result in him breaking out one of the following responses.  

"Sure is great, standing here. I LOVE IT!" "Now that you mention it, I DO love standing here doing NOTHING!" and "How long you gonna admire that dirt?" 

Yes, it's fair to say that this bird-loving badass has no qualms with sharing his opinions. His replacement in the sequel, Zer0, also does more of the same, lamenting his idle status and letting you know about it. 


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!