10 Brutal Ways Video Game Characters Directly Mocked Players

5. The Sans Boss Fight (Undertale)

Eve stellar blade
Toby Fox

Undertale has more fourth wall breaks than Ubisoft has greedy business decisions. The whole game is essentially an inside joke for long-time gamers. Still, the king of shattering the fourth wall has to be Sans, who does it so often he turns those bricks into dust. 

Nowhere is this more obvious than in his gruelling boss fight. 

Going toe-to-toe with the joking skeleton requires some morbid decision-making, as you'll need to kill every monster in each area (i.e. a Genocide Run) to unlock the fight. Once you do, he'll break the game down, contradicting Undertale's rules to give you the fight of your life. 

On top of using the game's mechanics against you, he also roasts the hell out of you. The more you lose to him, the harsher his comments become. For example, he acknowledges every time you die, joking about which attempt you're now on, saying, "That's the expression of someone who's died X times in a row."

This little boney man doesn't pull any punches. 


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!