10 Brutal Ways Video Game Characters Directly Mocked Players

3. GLaDOS Mocks You The Whole Time (Portal)

Eve stellar blade

So, to be fair here, the thing about GLaDOS is that, rather than breaking the fourth wall to mock the player, she pours all of her efforts into roasting the player character, Chell, within an inch of her life. However, the sheer mind-numbing brutality of her mockery is so intense that it transcends the game and hits you right in the heart. As such, she's a shoo-in for this list. 

GLaDOS, which stands for Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, is the villain of the Portal series and an AI that oversees the Aperture Science test facility. Despite not having one, her sharp tongue could cut a diamond in half. 

Some of GLaDOS' most intense jabs come at the expense of your puzzle skills, physical appearance, personality, and pretty much anything under the sun. Plus, she even tricks you into thinking you'll get cake. But there is no cake, just disappointment. 

This villain relentlessly mocks you the whole game, and while it hurts like hell, it's so damn funny and creative that you can't help but love it. 


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!