10 Brutal Ways Video Game Characters Directly Mocked Players

4. Eve Stares Back At You (Stellar Blade)

Eve stellar blade
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There's no shadow of a doubt that Stellar Blade has been a roaring success for Sony, and a big part of the game's meteoric rise is the internet's love of the protagonist, Eve. However, Eve seems wised up to why many people like her so much, and she throws it right back in your face.  

The game undoubtedly plays up the character's overly sexualised presentation, and as such, Eve is aware that people will stare at her. Thus, she has a trick up her sleeve that she pulls out if you turn the camera on her face and stare for a good while. Do this, and Eve will pull the Uno reverse card on you, staring into the camera right back at you as if to say, "What the hell are you looking at?"  

As amusing as this is, there's no denying it's pretty creepy. It's like players are getting caught in the act and judged by Eve, who happily gives you a taste of your own medicine. Perhaps this should be a lesson in respecting video game character's boundaries. 


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!