10 Brutally Hard Areas Hidden In Video Games

8. Alone In The Dark - Limbo

Dark Souls Painted World of Ariamis

Though Playdead's gorgeous puzzle-platformer Limbo is a reasonably difficult game for the most part, it throws down one hell of a gauntlet to anyone who manages to unlock its bonus level.

Limbo's secret level is reached by first trampling the 10 eggs hidden deviously throughout the game, though mercifully that total can be racked up cumulatively across subsequent playthroughs.

You need to then head to the 26th chapter, where a previously locked door will now be open, allowing you to enter a secret pitch black level which makes Crash 3's faintly-lit UFO race seem positively acceptable by comparison.

The already dim environment is now bathed - nay, drowned - in darkness, making it incredibly difficult to traverse the level without dying repeatedly.

It's a deeply frustrating experience, lessened only by using headphones to guide yourself with sound cues, and the fact that the level at least contains checkpoints.

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Dark Souls
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.