10 Brutally Hard Areas Hidden In Video Games

5. Aztec Complex - GoldenEye 007

Dark Souls Painted World of Ariamis

Believe it or not, there's something more challenging in GoldenEye 007 than getting Natalya to co-operate - the secret "Aztec Complex" level that's unlocked either by beating the final main story level "Cradle" on Secret Agent difficulty or by inputting a cheat code.

Aztec Complex is by far the hardest mission in the entire game, with enemies that are smarter, more aggressive, and tout considerably more powerful weaponry, to say nothing of the fact that you've also got to take down one of the Bond franchise's most iconic baddies, Jaws.

Killing Jaws alone takes about 15 laser shots to the head, yet his death also results in many of the guards you just polished off respawning for a second go-around.

Even those who've spent most of their formative years playing GoldenEye's glorious multiplayer suite will struggle with this one.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.