10 Brutally Hard Areas Hidden In Video Games

6. Go 2 It - Final Doom

Dark Souls Painted World of Ariamis
id Software

The second half of Final Doom's story, The Plutonia Experiment, features a stamina-sucking secret level sure to leave even the ballsiest Doom player crying for their mama.

At the end of the game's 15th level, "The Twilight," players can avoid the conventional exit and find a secret passage on the left-hand wall, revealing a secret transporter which will take them to level 31, "Cyberden."

Though Cyberden is itself a balls-tough battle against a fleet of caged Cyberdemons, this isn't even the hardest of the two secret levels. Reach the end and you'll be able to play level 32, the "super secret" level named "Go 2 It."

Go 2 It is infamous among the Doom fandom for the absolutely unforgiving fleet of over 200 beasts it throws at players, the majority of which are extremely powerful, namely a staggering 13 Cyberdemons. Oof.

Oh, and because this isn't difficult enough, the Arch-viles that spawn periodically can revive dead monsters, making it all that much tougher. It is, in a word, bulls**t, and many a Doom player have spent literally hours trying to figure this thing out. Painful.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.