10 Brutally Hard Decisions Video Games Forced You To Make

6. Chopping Off Your Own Arm - The Walking Dead: Season 1

Season 1 of TWD had a huge amount of grey area choices to get through, whether it be putting the child, Duck, out of his misery as he slowly turned into a walker, taking the food of a family away from their car - or here, deciding to try and stymie the spread of infection by hacking off a much-needed limb.

Rather like Metal Gear Solid's choice earlier, this was the first time the game had given you a choice with an unknown mechanical outcome. If you lost the arm, would that impact Lee's ability to survive later down the line? Perhaps you wouldn't be able to interact with the environment in the same way? We didn't know, but the fact that more walkers were baying for blood in the next room meant you had to make a choice, fast.

Whatever you did, the main thread plays out in the same way, but unlike the TV show that seems to have lost the ability to portray the harsh reality of doing anything to survive a zombie apocalypse, this scene grounded it in an incredibly visceral way that showed Telltale at the top of their game.

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