10 Brutally Hard Decisions Video Games Forced You To Make

5. Which Half Of The Game Do You Want To See? - The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings

CD Projekt RED

The flip-side to a choice that feels incredibly hard in the moment, is one given further weight and perspective after the fact. As such, the geniuses over at CD Projekt RED elected to pretty much create two entirely different middle chapters for the second Witcher game, anchoring the reveal of each to a choice between siding with the 'terrorist'/freedom fighter Iorveth, or Geralt's friend, Vernon Roche.

Going with either puts you on opposite sides of a major racial conflict happening across the continent, but frames it differently as you'll journey to totally separate areas, receive wildly altering quests, meet individual NPCs, have contrasting dialogue exchanges, etc. Such a decision is what makes CDPR one of the most underrated developers out there, and although many gamers got through Assassin's of Kings without realising the other path was literally a completely different play-space, going back through and choosing the other is very much an enjoyable, eye-opening experience.

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