10 Brutally Honest Confessions Of A Bethesda Fan

5. Are Mods Really Necessary?

Skyrim 1

This one’s tough to admit, particularly as I know the biggest advantage to the god awful engine still being used is its mod support.

Gamebryo, Creation Engine, the GECK, all of these things are there to support and help the modding community, for better or worse. They’re able to add so much with these tools.

Some choose to create full-length, quality expansions worthy of their portfolio, others… turn dragons into Thomas the Tank Engine. So it’s fair to say there’s absolutely something for everyone when it comes to mods.

Most importantly, though, are the insane efforts to fix Bethesda’s broken games, creating up-to-date and what most would deem mandatory fan-patches that really smooth out the experience.

So, why haven’t I ever played a mod? One word, achievements. I fear for them ever clashing with my journey to attain 100% completion of any achievement list.

Sure, you could argue that some won’t clash and what’s more, you could simply play with mods after you’re done with the game. I completely agree, that’s the beauty of mods. They add amazing longevity for people who want to play more, or don’t have the money to play other games. However, I'd rather move onto a new game than play Skyrim for a third time.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.