10 Bullsh*t Video Game Mechanics You Had To Go With

5. Escort NPC Walk Speeds - Jak 2, Shadow Of War, The Witcher 2

jak 2 renegade
Naughty Dog

Now I'm not talking about escort missions in general here, oh no. No, there's something way more pernickety that we've all experienced, that literally only Ghost of Tsushima actually got right:

I'm talking about NPC walk speeds, and the annoying reality of coding an escort or follow-able character with a speed that's faster than your default walk, but slower than your default run.

It results in edging forward, bit by bit, trying to maintain pace with the character in question but forever looking just that bit too awkward.

Again, only Ghost of Tsushima comes to mind as a recent title that fixed such an age-old issue, having characters match YOUR speed instead, and even mounting horses to keep up if need be.

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