10 Cancelled Star Wars Video Games Fans Were Robbed Of

Star Wars Battlefront 4 with Sith Luke Skywalker would have been INSANE.

Darth Maul Game

When recently writing a list on cancelled video games from the past few years, I had a realisation that Star Wars fans have had a rough couple of decades. Sure, there have been great releases set in a galaxy far, far away in that time, including the recent Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and The Force Unleashed, but for every great game that's launched, it appears as though two more get cancelled.

From the glory days of LucasArts to the modern EA era, both companies have canned as many projects as they've released. Some of these binned concepts were revealed to the public and were far along in development, with fans still grieving them to this day, while others were kept secret for years behind closed doors, with their cancellation (and I guess, announcement as well) only being discussed after the fact.

There's a chance some of these were cancelled for a reason, but whether they'd have ended up good or bad, each one boasted fascinating concepts, interesting ideas or compelling mechanics that fans will forever lament they never got to see in the flesh.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3