10 Cancelled Star Wars Video Games Fans Were Robbed Of

10. Star Wars: Chewbacca

Chewbacca Knights Of Ren

When it comes to the great Star Wars characters who deserve their own games, who comes to mind first? Han Solo? Luke Skywalker? Yoda? Well, LucasArts skipped all of those and went straight to Chewbacca, and began work on concepts for a game starring everyone's favourite Wookie in the early 2000s.

DidYouKnowGaming revealed details about the project, which was in production when the studio was shopping around a whole bunch of different ideas and concepts, and would have taken place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope (a setting that SW games are no stranger to). Apparently, this game's cause of death is simple: George Lucas didn't think Chewy deserved his own game. Sounds about right from the man who didn't give him a medal either.

Interestingly, this wasn't the only Wookie-based game shopped around, as Star Wars: Rebel Warrior was also briefly worked on, about a Wookie protecting his home from the Empire.


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