10 Cancelled Video Games That Would Have Been GOTY

5. Gotham By Gaslight

Indiana Jones Game
Day 1 Studios

Once again we find a superhero adaptation like we do everywhere else in pop culture, but Gotham by Gaslight hits a little different than Daredevil.

Based on the highly regarded graphic novel, Gaslight is set in a 19th century Gotham centered on Batman's attempts to take down well-known Victorian delinquent Jack the Ripper.

Aesthetically, the game would have looked so much more impressively different than not just any other superhero games, but most other games in general. The setting of a 20th century city inhabited by historical versions of popular characters is a good sell on its own, and the early footage provides an eerie glimpse into foggy lamp lit streets and its great render of the Caped Crusader.

With the reason behind cancellation being THQ's failure to get the rights to adapt the novel, one can only read the source material to visualize what a full game would look and play like.

With the Arkham series retired by Rocksteady it feels like a natural next step to adapt one-off stories such as Gaslight, but that's only if such rights can be procured and it is based on a great story, as Gaslight was intended to be.


I'm Scott, and I enjoy all the great things nerd culture idolizes. What I enjoy more is talking about them!