10 Cancelled Video Games That Would Have Been GOTY

4. Legacy Of Kain: Dead Sun

Indiana Jones Game
Square Enix

If there's one early series that seriously deserves a new entry in glorious 4k HD, it's Legacy of Kain. The fate-altering vampire led bite-'em-up has had its fangs in PlayStation's neck since the first console sprang onto the market, and Dead Sun was Climax Studios's attempt to invite the series back home.

Old favourites Raziel and Kain were swapped out for a new protagonist in the form of Gein, a vampire who seeks revenge but becomes inevitably involved in a much grander story. Typical stuff for a game story, but the Kain series had proven it could deliver on such a story in a fantastic manner, so investment was high in Dead Sun from day one.

When news that the game's breathing was stopped, fans and writers were outraged and many different outlets covered it, criticizing heavily the move to cancellation well after so many people were invested in the franchise's revival.

Many years on, and Legacy of Kain is still in dire need of a PS4 transfusion. Dead Sun's wounds still linger, and many fans pine for the series to return to form.


I'm Scott, and I enjoy all the great things nerd culture idolizes. What I enjoy more is talking about them!