10 Cancelled Video Games We Wish We Could Have Played

7. System Shock 3

System Shock 2

The most recent cancellation on this list, System Shock 3 being canned comes as quite a surprise (not least because I only just included it in an article about games you won't believe are in development).

According to one anonymous insider, the entire development staff were laid off by the studio, in part thanks to the game being "critically behind" schedule. Apparently the main cause of the problems stemmed from original publisher Starbreeze, which encountered its own financial problems not long ago, and forced the scale of System Shock 3 to be massively scaled back.

The former dev went on to say:

"We were a small team and knew we couldn't compete with current immersive sims in production quality and breadth, so we had to be creative and clever and weird. And we were on our way to make something unique and possibly fun, but probably not what the audience was hungry for."

The new approach actually sounded more interesting in a way. After all, just what were these creative, clever and weird ideas? Unfortunately, we'll never know.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3