10 Cancelled Video Games We Wish We Could Have Played

5. Bully 2

bully 2

For the longest time, all the rumours pointed towards Bully 2 actually happening. Every six months or so, a new batch of leaks would show up indicating that Rockstar were hard at work on the project, but all hope was dashed late last year when one insider revealed that the title was in production at one point - hence all the rumours - but it had actually been cancelled.

Apparently the sequel was actively being pursued in the early 2010s, but the passion for the project "fizzled out" when the team couldn't quite figure out what to do with original protagonist Jimmy, and specifically whether or not to move the setting from high-school to college.

Consequently, the title was dropped, which is a huge shame considering how big the demand is for a sequel.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3