10 Cancelled Video Games We Wish We Could Have Played

4. Maul: Battle Of The Sith Lords

Star Wars KOTOR

Like Aliens, there have been so many cancelled Star Wars games that they probably justify their own list, but most fans know about the likes of Star Wars 1313, Amy Hennig's Ragtag, and Knight of the Old Republic 3 already.

One strange title that's always forgotten about, though, is Battle of the Sith Lords (otherwise known by its working title, Maul), an action game that would have chronicled Darth Maul's journey following his supposed 'demise' in The Phantom Menace.

That alone is enough to get Star Wars fans salivating over its potential, but the project was canned in the prototyping stage due to a breakdown in communication between LucasArts, George Lucas himself, and developer Red Fly. Apparently, Star Wars executives were cagey about giving the team too much information about the character, telling them that the villain did indeed survive the events of Episode 1, but failing to fill them in on the plot of the then-in-development Clone Wars series.

Consequently, all of the ideas Red Fly had were shot down because they didn't match the canon - which they weren't allowed to know. After Disney bought Lucasfilm the project was canned, but the team have apparently been trying to win over EA execs with a new Maul game since.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3