10 Cancelled Video Games You Can Actually Play

9. Bio Force Ape

Saints row undercover

If ever released, Bio Force Ape would probably be regarded as an NES classic. The game was shown at the Consumer Electronics Show in 1991 and then in Nintendo Power, before quietly being cancelled.

The game is brimming with 90s weirdness. You take control of an ape who suddenly has superhuman strength and an affinity for wrestling. He must rescue his adopted human family by getting into fights with other superhuman animals.

The speed you can run at in this game is unheard of for an NES game. The animation is also stellar for the time, and Bio Force Ape brims with an energy and speed unseen on the system.

In 2005, someone claimed to have a working build, to which they proceeded to break the cartridge, likely causing a lot of tears for game preservationists. This was a hoax yet it increased the popularity of this unreleased NES gem.

In 2010, a prototype of the game was found on Yahoo! Japan where the website Lost Levels purchased it and dumped the ROM online. Now we can all experience this crazy game for ourselves and dream of what might have come, if this was ever released officially.

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Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.