10 Character Builds That BROKE Video Games - Commenter Edition

6. Barrelmancy - Divinity: Original Sin II

Divinity Original Sin 2
Larian Studios

In our last list of broken character builds we included the Lone Wolf Necromancer build from Divinity: Original Sin II and plenty of you brought up that there is a far more powerful albeit less traditional build that is wildly exploitable in this 10/10 RPG and that’s Barrelmancy.

What on earth is Barrelmancy, I hear you say, well essentially you’ll be cheesing the game through the means of telekinesis.

Simply spec into the skill in question, load up a gigantic ornate chest that has unlimited health with a bunch of heavy crap and mentally chuck it in a bad guys’ direction for a ridiculous amount of damage. The heavier the chest, the more damage it’ll do to someone when you drop it on them. Just like in real life. And that’s kind of all there is to it. From here on out you just enjoy yeeting your trusty chest and barrels at enemies until they’re all dead and you’re the crazy telekinetic weirdo left standing.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.