10 Cheapest Plot Twists In Gaming History

10. Fallout 3 - The Baffling Original €˜Heroic Sacrifice€™ Ending

After way too many hours of post-apocalyptic stealing, killing, and just generally being distracted from the main story, you and your ragtag group of companions finally catch up to your father. Instead of a heart-warming father and son/daughter reunion, he almost immediately sacrifices himself in a radioactive box to save you and for the greater good. Touching, right? Heroic sacrifices are all good and well when there is logic to the madness. Until you reach the very end of the game and logic is thrown out the window. At the very end, you are faced with your own heroic sacrifice choice: Either walk into the final radioactive chamber of death and save everyone, send in the only other human in to do it, or let everyone die. And that€™s it. In an attempt to force a dramatic twist ending, the game conveniently forgets about your radiation-loving mutant and supermutant friends, your radiation-proof robot companion, and forces all your other companions to tell you to walk into the chamber and don€™t be a pussy. The ending was so horrendous that Bethesda retrospectively modified it, but only if you buy the required DLC first. Who knew something that was so cheap could be so expensive?
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