10 Classic Multiplayer Video Games You Must Play Before You Die

2. FIFA (Various)

Mario Kart 64
EA Sports

Apart from the glorious presentation of the FIFA games (even in the early 16-bit days, it looked better and more realistic than any other game around it), the play-ability of the series is now wonderfully exquisite. The flow, pace and frustration is all there; just like real football (except without the diving, bring this back EA!).

Indeed, playing a FIFA game with friends is where the real fun begins.

Throw open your doors to a night of FIFA and be prepared for more arguments and more despair than your average episode of EastEnders. It's a social occasion like no other, and although online multiplayer works well for FIFA, it's the in-room gaming with your crew that works best.


Writer. Proud owner of a 1950-2000 Grays Sports Almanac. Has never created a dystopian alternate timeline (yet).