10 Classic PC Games That Have Been Updated For Modern Devices

3. Blood: One Unit Whole Blood

Buy Blood This ultra-violent first-person shooter marked the pinnacle of the Build Engine before polygons came along and, frankly, made video games look revolting for a good few years before developers learned what to do with them (just look at the shoddy Blood 2, which came out barely a year later). Blood was a dark and grimy shooter in which you traversed graveyards, catacombs and other carnal locations, using an imaginative assortment of weapons (who remembers the voodoo doll?) to blow away zombies, maniacally-laughing monks wielding uzis, and other demonic entities. What made Blood stand out from other shooters of the time were the animations and visceral blood effects. Shooting enemies against a wall would cause a splatter on the wall, which would then trickle down to the ground gruesomely, and an accurate shot to the head could decapitate an enemy, allowing you to use their head as a football. It's these little touches that have helped Blood retain its charm over the years. The 'One Unit Whole Blood' version you buy on GOG comes with the Plasma Pak and cryptic Passage expansions, adding an array of new levels and weapons.
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.