10 Classic Video Game Glitches That Allowed Us All To Cheat

2. Pokemon - Mew/Ditto Catch Any Pokemon


I€™m sure this glitch doesn't need an introduction, as out of all the Pokemon glitches this one is the highlight of them all. Being able to catch any non-glitched Pokemon in a matter of minutes, including Mew defeats the purpose of the whole game.

If you combine this glitch with the Missingno item duplication glitch then effectively you can catch all pokemon, and get them to the maximum level by duplicating rare candies, allowing you to have some of the strongest pokemon in the game and a complete pokedex in a matter of hours.

The player needs to find any trainer in the game that will engage in battle the moment the trainer is on screen and the player is in the trainer's line of sight. The player then needs to take one step down closer to the trainer, but make sure that he/she is not seen, and then immediately press the "START" button.

The player then needs to Fly or Teleport elsewhere (preferably route 15), the player then needs to battle any trainer in the new location; when the battle is initiated the second trainer has to walk up to the player. After defeating the Trainer, the player needs to encounter a wild Ditto, and battle it until it uses Transform on the player's Pokémon with a Special stat of 21.

After defeating the Ditto the player must go back to the location where the first Trainer which the player evaded is located. Once the location is approached, the menu will automatically appear. The player must press the B button, and a battle will begin with a wild Mew.

This method can be used to catch any Pokémon in the game, even some glitch Pokémon. While a Pokémon with a special stat of 21 will give one Mew, using a Pokémon with a different special stat will give the player a different Pokémon.

Here is a video showing you how it€™s done:


My Names Is Humza, and I am a 20 Year Old: Guitarist , Anime/Manga Enthusiast, Hardcore Gamer, Music -J/K Pop Maniac. My PSN = ShatteredPheonix add me if you wish to play some games.