10 Classic Video Games That Deserve A Next Generation Definitive Edition

2. Fallout 3

Now come on everyone, sing along: 'I just want to set the worlldd onn fireee....' A masterpiece in post-apocalyptic brilliance, Fallout 3 revolutionised the series, bringing the world of Bethesda's Elder Scrolls into a new setting filled with so much to do it's practically impossible to do everything in one lifetime. Casting you as a dweller of a Vault let out into the big bad world of post-apocalyptic America for the first time, Fallout 3 told you the basics, gave you a nudge, and then set you off to be as angelic, psychotic or as neutral as you'd like. Want to save a town from an unexploded nuke, or want to explode it instead? Do it! Want to kill everyone you see regardless of whether they're important to missions? Go for it! Want to spend the entire time collecting miscellaneous items and stacking them in a big pile? Bit mad - but why not! Of course it was pretty packed full of bugs, but the definitive edition would iron out those pesky critters and make everything in the world wonderful. With Fallout 4 no doubt on the way we could also have this original title in a brand new engine, making the experience all the better if we ever do get a port in the next few years. War may never change, but Fallout 3 getting a new edition would be a welcome change for most gamers.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.