10 Classic Video Games Hidden In Other Games As Easter Eggs

9. Goldeneye's ZX Spectrum Emulator

Did you know that hidden away within Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64 is a ZX Spectrum emulator including 10 games? The discovery only came to light in 2012, a full 15 years after the game was released, after a fan painstakingly went through the code line by line. How To Find It Admittedly, accessing the emulator using retail versions of the game is difficult and most people instead play Goldeneye through an N64 emulator and then use a patch to access the ZX Spectrum games. Playable titles include a number of Rare releases including Sabre Wulf, Gun Fright and Jetpac and several theories exist as to why the games are included. Chief among them is the idea that Goldeneye€™s developers Rare were testing the capabilities of the N64 hardware and whether it could handle emulation of older software and decided to use some of their Spectrum back catalogue as part of a trial run. As is often the case, although the emulation never made an official impact in the game, the code was left in place. Either way, it's a sweet little Easter Egg.

After graduating with a degree in English Literature from the University of Warwick, Barclay worked for a year in outdoor advertising. A keen music fan, Barclay previously reviewed singles for a Midlands-based music website while studying. He quit work to travel around Europe for 6 weeks, before deciding it was time to return to reality. When he isn't freelance writing, Barclay enjoys seeing his hopes and dreams inevitably crushed while supporting Tottenham Hotspur.