10 Classic Video Games You Didn’t Realise Had Sequels

1. Metal Gear Acid

Jak and Daxter: The Last Frontier

Metal Gear Solid has so much brand recognition, every title leaves an impact on the gaming community. Every fan is aware of the Twin Snakes remake, the Peace Walker spin-off, and Metal Gear Survive (even though it sucked).

At a glance, Hideo Kojima's most notable work seems to be the one franchise where every instalment is universally recognised.

But a lot of people discount Metal Gear Acid 1 and 2. Unlike the main series, Acid is an RPG that utilises a turn-based card system that allows Snake to perform stealthy actions and defeat villains. Although it sounds like this change of direction shouldn't work, the role-playing mechanics are integrated into the gameplay very effectively, which allowed Acid and its sequel to earn positive reviews.

But if that's the case, how come most people haven't heard of them?

Well, Acid had the misfortune of being overshadowed by Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, which came out one month prior. The fact that the games were only released on the PSP didn't help matters either.

And let's be honest, if you heard the words "Metal Gear Acid", you would just assume it was a Metal Gear knock-off, rather than an official entry in the series, wouldn't you?

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