10 Clear-Cut Examples Of Video Game False Advertising

8. Halo 5: Guardians

No Man's Sky
343 Industries

Once upon a time the Halo series was the pinnacle of the first-person shooter genre. With its unique combat and a multiplayer that carried the Xbox for years, Halo was truly Microsoft’s golden goose.

Despite this, in recent years the Halo franchise has suffered a fall from grace and nowhere is this more apparent than the mess that was the advertising for Halo 5. The promotional material for the game showed multiple story elements that did not appear in the actual game, while the story that did appear in the games was complicated nonsense that confused newcomers and fans alike.

Aside from the story being largley unintelligable, the trailers for the game built up a series of big dramatic battles between new character Locke and franchise staple Master Chief. While the two do eventually fight, it's a boring fistfight with none of the drama that was promised.

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No Man's Sky
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I'm just a man who spent £40K on a marketing degree, and then decided to write about comic books. I think I made the right choice.