10 Comic Characters Still Waiting for Video Game Justice

3. Silver Surfer

Offending Game - Silver Surfer (Software Creations) While the Surfer has appeared in a number of games featuring Marvel characters, his only headlining game for the NES was forgetful, frustrating, and frankly, pretty difficult. Players, using a crude simulacrum of the Surfer, navigate the side scroller in fear of everything from rubber ducks to the walls and floors of the game, as a single hit killed. The boss battles featured lame villains, and out of the huge selection of powers the Surfer has in his possession, the game relies solely on a repeating stream of silver pellets that can be upgraded to shoot more of the same. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVI9yUPOc2A How It Should Play: Norrin Radd AKA the Silver Surfer has such a rich origin story, and a third person action game that follows his creation at the hands of the planet-eater Galactus would do the character justice. The game would follow his time as the herald, preparing planets for Galactus to devour, until finally the Surfer arrives on Earth, where he rebels against his master using all the Power Cosmic as his disposal. The potential for a really good Silver Surfer game is staggering, considering the scope and scale presented with the characters. Like a galactic Shadow of the Colossus, playing as the Surfer rebelling against Galactus would be a video game moment to be remembered. Special Move: The ridiculously awesome soundtrack, coupled with the death screen from the game. 'Nuff said.

Sent to Earth from a dying planet, young Scott Fraser grew to adulthood in Alberta, Canada with a love for comics, film, games, and all things deep fried. He has dedicated his life to pedantic ramblings about continuity, superhero superiority, and Han shooting first. He also writes for Geek Magazine.