10 Comic Characters Still Waiting for Video Game Justice

4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Offending Games - All of them... except Turtles in Time, of course. I know, Turtles in Time - developed by Konami - is and forever will be one of the best games we ever played in our childhood. Unfortunately, we haven't seen too many TMNT games come close to that level of entertainment, which most developers seem hellbent on re-capturing the side-scrolling awesomeness of, with little to show for it. A number of handheld and plug-n-play games were released, and a few more recently that each pulled from the various animated series' on at the time, which were usually made as fighting games. Recently, Out of the Shadows - developed by Red Fly Studios -, which was partially based off of the new Nickolodeon series, was released to dismal reviews, which were fitting considering the game was bogged down by technical difficulties and sloppy gameplay. How It Should Play: Open world seems to be the answer to a lot of games, and TMNT is no different. Moving around, above, and beneath the city as your favourite turtle, with a dedicated multiplayer mode that allowed for the other members of the team to be controlled and play the game along with you. The game would need to find it's own direction, not relying on or being hindered by any of the animated versions that came before. Instead, developers would need to move forward with a new vision, using the original Eastman and Laird run as a guideline. Special Move: A ninja spin kick that allows us to avoid the inevitable Michael Bay movie tie-in game.

Sent to Earth from a dying planet, young Scott Fraser grew to adulthood in Alberta, Canada with a love for comics, film, games, and all things deep fried. He has dedicated his life to pedantic ramblings about continuity, superhero superiority, and Han shooting first. He also writes for Geek Magazine.