10 Completely Pointless Video Game Details (That Will Blow Your Mind)
2. There Are Ants With Their Own Ecosystem In Skyrim
No matter your view of Skyrim, there's no denying that it created one of the most lifelike open worlds the industry has ever seen. Picking up where Oblivion left off, Bethesda's seminal title boasts a world that continues to evolve whether you interact with it or not, with NPCs, animals and the environment itself continuing to do their own things while you're out adventuring.
However, one of the biggest examples of Skyrim's living, breathing world is one you need a magnifying class to notice. Because if you look closely at certain parts of the environment, you'll be able to see a trail of ants, all of which have their own path and set routes, going about their daily routine.
That's right, not only do the people get on with their lives when you're not around, but even the ants that you carelessly tread all over do as well. Skyrim as a place would exist perfectly fine whether you were in it or not, so try to not have an existential crisis the next time you boot Bethesda's game up.