10 Confessions Of A PS4 Owner After Buying A Nintendo Switch

1. If You're Going To Own A Second Console, This Is It

Nintendo Switch Ps4 Xbox One

As previously lamented, owning both an Xbox One and a PS4 isn't quite the glorious gaming paradise you might think it is. The two machines are far too similar, and outside of a few exclusives, there's no real reason to have both on the go at the same time.

However, if there's ever been a reason to pick up that second console, it's the Nintendo Switch. Not only are the exclusives great, but the machine is an amazing alternative to the PS4, boasting functionality that Sony's console just doesn't have.

The different ways to use the Switch give it an edge that makes it constantly relevant, and while you still might use the other console the majority of the time, its accessibility and unique gaming experiences ensure that you'll return to it every so often.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3