10 Confusing Video Game Levels We NEVER Want To Play Again

5. The Blackpits Battle - Divinity Original Sin 2

divinity original sin
Larian Studios

Divinity Original Sin 2 may well be the best RPG of this century, at least in this humble host’s opinion, but it’s a turn-based RPG so when things go wrong in combat you can easily be thrown back to the start of an encounter that’s already taken half an hour or more.

To be fair I think you’ll have a worse time here if you’re playing with unreliable co-op companions instead of controlling the action yourself but no matter what, the Blackpits encounter is going to give you a hard time. It might not be a level in the traditional sense but it’s certainly a section we can firmly identify in the game, and then preferably cast out into the fires of hell, so I’m going to allow it. Divinity Original Sin 2 is a classic old school party-based RPG that requires careful tuning of your party makeup, equipment, abilities, and tactics. Every move needs to be executed to perfection unless you’re playing on a low difficulty, especially in this particular level which will almost definitely result in everything being on fire.

If you didn’t spec into Hydrosophist with Lohse you’re about to regret that very quickly because there won’t be much you can do about the propagating flames.

To make things more difficult you need to keep an NPC alive and defeat a swarm of oil voidlings which spawn out of the pits and fire voidlings which heal as they move through the fire which, as we discussed, is almost definitely covering the oil laden battlefield. Also the NPC does that painful NPC thing where he tries to help out but his attacks are lightning based so, you guessed it, everything ends up on fire.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.