10 Confusing Video Game Levels We NEVER Want To Play Again

4. Dreadnought’s Garbage Dump - Super Mario Galaxy

mario galaxy dreadnaughts dump

Super Mario Galaxy is yet another fantastic game but this particular level will have you putting it down longing to never return. Basically everybody’s favourite plumber is asked to distribute bombs around an area to take out a couple of dozen piles of garbage.

Which would be entirely doable if you weren’t given only thirty seconds to do it.

On top of which the bombs take about ten full seconds to explode. Yeah. A third of the time you have to complete the entire challenge. So if you don’t place them perfectly the first time you’ll have to try again, and if you place them perfectly but not within the last ten seconds before the timer is up they won’t blow up in time for the cranky robot to tell you you’re good to go.

Even though he could just wait like two more seconds and then it’d all be clean, we’d take our star and go on our merry way. Stupid robot.

If you do manage to get through this one and think you handled it okay, you have to do it again later as Luigi and it’s even harder. So that’s fun.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.