10 Controversial Video Games That Are Insanely Tame Today
3. Night Trap (1992)
1992's Sega CD sleeper hit Night Trap was possibly one of the most inoffensive games to ever cause public outrage. For starters, the Sega CD was a failure of a Genesis peripheral that would be forgotten mere months after its initial release. Plus, the game's heavy use of FMV reeked of burgeoning 1990s tech trends and polluted the overall experience.
The game was initially flagged for its depiction of violence against women, but that accusation is so shallow that the Mario Brothers may as well be banned for violence against animals. Even through the eyes of a young and impressionable child, Night Trap still would have been a total yawn-fest.
Much of the backlash likely stemmed from the fact that, for the first time, the acts depicted in a game weren't compeltely digital—they were real actors, and the game brought a sense of authenticity which the crude hardware of the time could never replicate. However, those outraged by the game likely never played it—if they had, they probably wouldn't have been nearly as worked up about it.