10 Controversial Video Games You Must Play In 2022

4. Fallout 76

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To be honest, the disastrous Fallout 76 launch was a self-fulfilling prophecy. When developer Bethesda's lead designer Todd Howard went on stage during their 2015 E3 showcase and proclaimed, "It just works," in regard to Fallout 4, he tempted fate.

Things went well enough for Fallout 4, all things considered. For its multiplayer follow-up Fallout 76, however... well, as Howard said during Bethesda's E3 2019 showcase, "Sometimes it doesn't just work."

Boy was that an understatement, as Fallout 76 had one of the most historically disastrous launches ever. From the game not working, majorly lacking in overall content, and the company unable to deliver on exclusive merch for those who pre-ordered, 76 was written off as a train wreck.

Fast-forward to 2022, however, and Fallout 76 is has been improved so much that it's almost unrecognizable. The world has been populated with NPCs, the dialog options - the lack of which were a sore spot for Fallout 4 players - have been expanded drastically, and the game is packed with new content.

While updates for the game have slowed, anyone jumping in now has a new, full-blown Fallout to enjoy. Which is good, because Fallout 5 ain't coming any time soon.


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.