10 Controversial Video Games You Must Play In 2022

2. Far Cry Primal

batman arkham origins

Far Cry Primal was a tough sell. Taking a series known for its guns, vehicles, gadgets and explosions and transporting it to a prehistoric setting certainly made fans scratch their heads. Even stretching what people could have been capable of at the time, your arsenal still mostly boiled down to sticks and rocks.

At release, it was pretty much what was expected. The concept didn't totally come together and it was largely considered a novel experiment at best and a cheap cash-in at worst. Throw in the fact that it recycled the map from Far Cry 4 and some fans were pretty upset.

In a classic case of fortunately/unfortunately, developer Ubisot later released a new, survival mode, completely transforming the game into what it should have been all along.

Stripped of various HUD elements, facing a more physically taxing environment with deadlier predators, and working with much fewer resources to craft weapons and items, Primal became a different game entirely.

Everything about how you play on Survival changes, causing you to pace yourself and pick your battles more carefully. You learn the map better, like where to avoid predators and enemy tribe patrols. You're no longer playing low-tech Far Cry, but something wonderfully new.


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.