10 Controversies That Have ALREADY Hurt Pokemon Sword & Shield

1. We Hear You... But We’re Not Changing Anything

Pokemon Sword Shield
Game Freak

The outcry from Dexit has been so great, in fact, that Game Freak have been prompted to make a statement. Signed by Junichi Masuda, the head producer of the game, the statement offers a whole lot of words for a whole lot of nothing.

The excuse offered was that development time played an issue, which is what dragged the whole Town/B Team debacle into this mess. Bizarrely, the Switch being more powerful than the DS was also used to deflect, with Masuda claiming the console allows them to be more expressive in the animations, and this in turn meant they went for quality of Pokémon over quantity.

Given the state of Wingull and the fairly banal battle style, this excuse rings extra hollow.

The closeness of the release date was brought up too, but most fans would much rather have a good game delayed than a poor one rushed. Animal Crossing made this decision and was met with praise for it.

If Galar brings more new Pokémon than we’ve ever seen before, people might be feeling more charitable. Right now though, with no firm source on how many ‘mons will be in the game, the excuses feel weak.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)