10 Coolest Video Game Features (That Are Utterly Pointless) - Commenter Edition

8. Secret Lightsaber Flourishes - Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Star wars knights of the old republic

You have to wait a little while to get your hands on a lightsaber in Knights of the Old Republic, and even longer before you can equip your main character with one, but when you do there’s a pretty easy answer for what you’ll want to do next. Apart from carve into some criminal scum.

And that is very similar to what you’d want to do in real life, swing that bad boy around. Of course, that’s not really how video games work in general but lucky for you it is something that developer BioWare thought about.

I’m currently replaying this one on PC right now so I can’t tell you what it is on every platform the game has been ported to but on PC, hitting ‘X’ lets you flourish any weapon you happen to be holding. This looks especially cool for my personal favourite, the double bladed lightsaber. Beyond looking especially cool, the move achieves nothing. Although you can glitch it out by hitting the button a lot of times in a row.

Still pointless, but definitely funny and an appreciated inclusion.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.